Konstantinos Petkos
Email: k.petkos14@imperial.ac.uk | Office: B123
Konstantinos was born in Thessaloniki, Greece. In 2007, he joined Aristotle University of Thessaloniki where he obtained his 5-year diploma in electrical and computer engineering. His thesis title was “Study of pain behaviour via processing of electroencephalographic (EEG) signals using wavelet higher order spectral features”.
In 2014, he joined Imperial College London where he obtained his MRes in Bioengineering and MRes in Neurotechnology degrees, both with distinction. His MRes in Bioengineering thesis was under the title ”Implantable sensor technology to monitor response to chemotherapy in epithelial ovarian cancer”, while his MRes in Neurotechnology thesis title was “Reboot: Restoring Brain operation with Technology; Microelectronics to enable an open source instrument for exploring closed loop neural systems”.
In 2015, he won a competitive 4-year Phd studentship on neuroelectroceuticals sponsored by Medtronic under the aegis of the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Neurotechnology. The research of this project is under the academic lead of professor Manos Drakakis (Imperial College London), the clinical/physiology lead of professor Peter Brown (University of Oxford) and the industrial lead of professor Tim Denison (Medtronic).
His Phd aim is the design of high performance bioinstrumentation for recording neural signals in the presence of strong artifacts coming from deep brain stimulation (DBS).